JMM Pep Band 2019-2020
All rehearsals will be on Wednesdays in the JMM Band Room from 3:45-4:45 on the following dates:
11/6; 11/13; 11/21 (Thursday); 12/4; 12/11
Join the Pep Band Google Classroom to find extra music, rehearsal/game reminders, and more
Code: n7opg6x
Basketball games are in the JMM gym at 7:15. Call time is 6:15 in the JMM Band Room. We will perform before the game and at half time. You are free to leave after half time.
12/13 (Friday) - 7:15 - Girls Basketball
12/20 (Friday) - 7:15 - Boys Basketball
1/14 (Tuesday) - TBD - Hockey @ Madison Ice Arena
1/17 (Friday) - 7:14 - Girls Basketball
1/28 (Tuesday) - 7:00 - Hockey @ Madison Ice Arena
1/30 (Thursday) - 7:15 - Boys Basketball
*Hockey games are at the Madison Ice Arena (725 Forward Dr). Call time is 6:00pm. We will meet in the lobby. We will perform during pregame and between the 2 periods.
Important Information:
To receive a music letter, all pep band members need to attend:
4 or more rehearsals and;
4 or more scheduled performances
Notify Mr. Wesson two weeks in advance if you will be absent.
The pep band will also perform at tournament games. We need your support for a good showing and to entertain our teams and fans.
If you choose to attend any regular or tournament game that pep band is scheduled to play without performing, you will forfeit your right to the award letter.
Admission for all band members is free. Do not abuse this privilege by sneaking in your friends.
All instruments, including percussion, are your responsibility. Contact Mr. Wesson to make arrangements if you need to get in the band room prior to any hockey events.
All pep band members are to have a music lyre to hold your music. They may be purchased at Ward-Brodt for a minimal fee.
Thanks for your support and we look forward to a good season.
James Wesson, director